As we look to grow the business, we know that giving other people a chance to work with us and earn a living alongside us is important – as we grow a bigger pie it means that more people can have a slice!
It’s with that in mind that we recently asked amongst the members if anyone felt that they had the right skills and personality traits to join the team in a specific non-coaching role.
This is a role that involves some admin work, some work talking to new and prospective clients, some work guiding existing clients towards success and some work managing different members of the existing team.
This role will be solely dedicated to making sure current members are happy and making progress, new members are brought into the SCFIT family in a smooth and inclusive manner and a lot of the background admin work flows smoothly.
We are proud of our members and wanted to give them first shot at taking this on. We had a couple of strong applicants, but have decided to go with someone who has been a part of Second City for a few years now. This is someone who has been around for a couple of years and has time and again proved how she lives our values in her day to day life both inside and outside the gym.
You’ll also see from her photo at the top of this article that Sophie takes a damn good photo!
Our new Client Success Manager (CSM for short) loves strongman training, gin and tonics and regrettable tattoos…
Please say hi when you next see her and make her feel welcome as the latest part of the SCFIT team!