Unfortunately it’s a truth of life that from time to time we all get ill. Illness is an unfortunate part of being alive.
Whilst we can try avoid as many illnesses as possible by making educated choices about what we eat, how we exercise, how we manage stress and what environments we put ourselves in, at some point you’ll probably get ill.
At that point you may well go to the doctor for some advice or some form of intervention.
So now it’s time to imagine two separate scenarios – you’ve got an illness and you get called in to see the doctor from the waiting room. You go into their office to find:
1- A brand new doctor who has graduated a couple of weeks previously. They have a huge knowledge base of up to date techniques, medications and cutting edge research. They lack experience.
2 – A veteran doctor with nearly 40 years of experience. They have been treating patients for longer than some people have been alive and have a huge amount of experience. They haven’t had time to invest in learning about medical advancements as they’ve been too busy.
Who would you rather see?
You may be so ill that you don’t really care, but let’s pretend that you do care. If we’re honest with each other, we probably don’t actually want either of the doctors as they are.
Whilst they could both do a very good job, we’d much rather have a little bit of both ends. We’d like to know that the experienced doctor is working hard to stay up to date with developments. We’d like to know that the new doctor is constantly self reflecting and subject to ongoing evaluations to build experience and solidify their base of knowledge.
That’s why, here at Second City, the staff:
- Review their own coaching on a regular basis
- Talk to other staff about what they’re doing well
- Talk to other staff about what they can learn from each other
- Pass around books and articles to help develop their knowledge
- Take each other’s classes to see each other in action
- Have a weekly staff meeting to review one coach’s class
- Share best practice
- Communicate the most effective ways they’ve found to work with different members
- Hold each other accountable for their daily performances
- Are subject to ongoing evaluations from the coaching development team
If you are interested in being part of a gym where the staff are this invested in their own development then book a No Sweat Intro.