We know what you’re looking for. We can say that with confidence because we’ve been doing this successfully now for 10 years.
What do we do though?
We meet people where they are on their health and fitness journey. We find out what drives them and then we help them move forwards towards those goals. We work with people from all walks of life, all backgrounds and all levels of fitness.
The last decade has shown us that people tend to fall into one or more broad categories when it comes to why they’re asking us for help.
COVID has certainly increased the amount of self-awareness that people have with regards to their own health and fitness wants and needs, so let’s break down those categories over the next few posts and you’ll be able to see which one you most identify with…
People who want to look better
Let’s get one thing settled before we move on – there is no such thing as ‘toning a muscle’. The muscles that you have are a certain size and the amount of bodyfat that you have determines how well those muscles are hidden.
For the majority of people, looking better is the combination of building some muscle and losing some fat.
That’s why we carefully pair exercises and rep ranges to stimulate your body to grow some muscle while also pushing the pace on cardio pieces to help you trim down as well.
The muscles that you start to develop also help with changing your body shape as they require energy just to be there so you can expect to be burning more fat even while you’re at home or at work!
For the fastest results on an aesthetic front we recommend working with one of our expert nutrition coaches so that your efforts inside the gym are best supported by your lifestyle outside the gym.
Are you looking to make a change to the way your body looks? Book your FREE No Sweat Intro today so that we can get started.