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Why are you not getting fitter? Part 4

When it comes to getting fitter, it doesn’t have to be complicated.  The theory of doing a bit more than you used to do seems solid enough and for a lot of people it can move them towards their health and fitness goals.  But the longer you train for, the more you might find that just doing a bit more isn’t moving you towards your goals.

Over the next few articles, we’ll be highlighting and explaining various pitfalls that we see people fall into time and time again.  As well as explaining the reason you may not be making progress, we’ll also be providing guidance for how you can go about fixing it.  Some of the points are linked and may seem contradictory to each other, but that’s where the coaching staff at SC FIT come in – to help you work out what’s holding you back and how to address it.

Here’s part 4 of our seven part series:

  • – You rarely sprint
  • Sprinting could be done outside as a run, or it could be inside on a bike or with a sled. Sprinting is great for changing your body shape due to the incredibly high amount of power that you will put out. If your whole life is spent moving slowly or trying to move fast while you’re already tired, try some true sprint efforts out and see what the results look and feel like.
  • – You think scaling is a dirty word
  • Scaling is how we make sure that anyone can access a workout with a similar level of difficulty whilst preserving the intent of the workout itself. Scaling often means working more intensely and we know from previous article that some people need to work more intensely. Just because you can do a certain skill or lift a certain weight doesn’t mean that doing it in a workout setting is a good idea – you’ll probably spend longer resting than is ideal. So listen to the staff and leave your ego at the door.
  • Your core needs some TLC
  • Planks aren’t sexy. Holding positions without moving doesn’t look good on social media. We get it. But the middle bit of your body transfers the power from your legs into your upper body and vice versa. Without a solid connection the work that you can do will be limited. No one ever fails a heavy squat because their legs were too weak, it’s always the middle bit of the body (the abs and back) that cave in.
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