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How to accomplish your goals in 2021

Wouldn’t it be fun to spend all your money on electronics and clothes and other cool stuff? Yes! But you don’t because you have other goals, like paying your rent or mortgage, going on holidays, saving for retirement, and so on. You’re motivated by these big life goals, so you stay on track. 

Fitness is just like that. If you have goals, you’ll be motivated to work towards them. But the problem is: If you don’t see progress on a regular basis, you’ll probably end up quitting. 

Money based goals are easy to track because you can watch the numbers. Easy, right – bank balance rising or falling on a month by month basis? For most people, fitness goals are way harder to track. But we can help. We’ll work with you to identify your short- and long-term goals, determine how to measure them, and track progress. And we’ll help you celebrate all the small wins along the way to the bigger ones!

That brings us to the second element of motivation: Relying on a coach.

You’ve got the goals and the big picture. But you might not have the plan and the map of how to get there. Want to lose a few pounds? We can tell you how and work with you on it. Want improve your endurance? We have programmes for that. Want to get stronger? We’ve been helping people with that for years now.

There’s nothing more frustrating than feeling like you’re working but going nowhere. But if you see a clear path to your goals and get to celebrate milestones along the way, you’ll be very motivated. A coach is the person who will draw the map from your current state to your goals and set up wins along the way. They will be the first to pick you up when motivation is down. And your coach will also be the one who celebrates every single win with you.

If we told you to go blast through a workout right now, you might do it, but you probably wouldn’t. But if we told you that you’d be led through the perfect workout for your goals by an dedicated professional who will (probably) make you smile, you’d probably feel much more inclined to get your trainers on!

At SCFIT, we have a range of membership options designed to suit you regardless of your goals. We offer the chance to work one on one with an individual coach and in a group setting. Some people love the devoted attention of a personal coach, but other people get fired up by the energy of a supportive group. We blend the best of both worlds together!

Now that you know the secret to motivation, you have only one thing left to do: start! You can do that by booking a FREE No Sweat Intro. Come and chat to us and we’ll help you put together the perfect programme — with motivation and inspiration guaranteed!

Inspired by Two-Brain Business and Two-Brain Media.

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