When it comes to getting fitter, it doesn’t have to be complicated. The theory of doing a bit more than you used to do seems solid enough and for a lot of people it can move them towards their health and fitness goals. But the longer you train for, the more you might find that just doing a bit more isn’t moving you towards your goals.
Over the next few articles, we’ll be highlighting and explaining various pitfalls that we see people fall into time and time again. As well as explaining the reason you may not be making progress, we’ll also be providing guidance for how you can go about fixing it. Some of the points are linked and may seem contradictory to each other, but that’s where the coaching staff at SC FIT come in – to help you work out what’s holding you back and how to address it.
Here are another 3 reasons as to why you might not be getting any fitter despite your best efforts:
- – Your diet
- A lot of people say that they eat healthily but when we dive deeper there are usually a few things that could be tightened up to give people more of what they want and less of what they don’t. To have an impact changes to your nutrition habits don’t need to be large and sweeping – often small tweaks here and there have a bigger impact than you think they might. We contend that everyone could improve their diet – get in touch if you want to but don’t know how to.
- – Your self-worth is tied to your performance
- Your score on the whiteboard is not a reflection of who you are – it is merely a snap shot of something you did at one exact moment in time. Your in-gym performances don’t dictate what kind of person you are. You may not be as strong or as fast as you used to be – but that’s okay, you’re still working on being fitter and healthier. At the end of the day this is almost certainly something you re doing for fun – so relax and enjoy it, it’s just working out!
- – You are comparing yourself unnecessarily
- We recently wrote about how comparison was the thief of joy. So if you actually enjoy trying to get fitter and healthier rather than constantly stressing yourself out with comparisons, you’ll probably make more progress as your stress levels drop!